Rowan is our first Finnish Lapphund and he is really our big buddy.
He was born on December 4th 2011 and is a very sweet darling. From the first moment we came in contact with this breed, we were both instantly in love. Such a beautiful appearance, super character, not too big, eager to learn, smart, relaxed at home, and super with kids.
Rowan is a real versatile working dog, with whom I have since followed various obedience courses, agility and sheep herding training and we are currently very active in search and rescue work and balance & coordination training. In February 2014 we passed the admission exam for the Alfa group of SLRHW and we train regularly. At the end of January 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2023 we participated in an avalanche work in Oberstdorf (southern Germany), an unforgettable experience. In 2025 we hope to participate again!
This year we started detection training with Rowan, this boy is never too old to learn and earn cookies 😉
Rowan is a very healthy boy and available as a stud dog. He is very easy going, social, sweet, a real pleaser, a dog that doesn’t look for any confrontations. Very stable character, cannot be fooled by anyone. He is now the father of 40 healthy offspring, with whom I have regular contact. If you want more information about our boy, please contact me. It is still possible to purchase his sperm, this is safely stored.
• 01-10-2014 the puppies of Rowan & Vita were born, 3 males and 3 females.
From this litter we have kept 1 male named Bosco.
• On 01-10-2016 the puppies from Rowan & Namu were born, 2 males and 2 females at kennel Jalanjälki from Francien Bijlenga.
• 15-06-2017 Rowan became the father of 3 bitches at Renflockens kennel of Holger Waßmann in Germany. Holger has kept 1 female for breeding, Djumanji (HD A and eyes tested free!!).
• 10-12-2018 7 puppies were born from Rowan & Smilla (Haiwi od Kremilka). 2 females and 5 males at vom Grünen Baum in Germany.
• 21-05-2020 4 girls & 2 boys are born at Kennel Lapin Jälkeläinen (Hengelo) with the beautifull Seija (Cantavia Lumikello). Puppies are developping very well! Daughter Yara has HD A and ECVO, PRA, Pompe and DM tested free!
• 20-02-2021 6 puppies were born at Kennel Jardin de Laponie (BE) with the lovely Prunelle du Jardin de Laponie. They are doing great; 5 boys & 1 girl. Son Uzumaki has HD A and eyes tested free!
• 27-04-2022 two puppies were born in Switserland. The ‘Spring’ twins, a boy and a girl, are doing great. The mother of the twins is Lapin Lumia Airi Pukkapilvi. The breeder bought semen for this litter, which was transported very quick to Geneva. Daughter Stormi has HD B, ECVO, PRA, Pompe and DM tested free. Son Usko is a very good truffle seeker!!
• 12-10-2022 On a very hot summer evening, a natural mating with Ikuinenlahjan Orosmäki (Noora) was very successful. Six puppies were born 12th October in the morning, 4 males en 2 females at Kennel Samiclahja.
• 08-06-2024 two puppies of Airi (Lapin Lumia Airi Pukkapilvi) & Rowan were born in Switserland. Welcome to Lapin Lumia Stella Felis and Lapin Lumia Stella Nova. Nova is now living with us, we still have a piece of Rowan close to us
Rowan is still available, we have 3 breeding units available, please contact me if there is any interest.
Pedigree & Results
Father: Jäkäläkummun Tarmokas,
Mother: Anna Diesel van de Nieuwenkamp
NHSB 2863438
ECVO: 10-07-2024 free
(Tested free: 07/02/2014, 19/03/2015, 11/03/2016, 10/03/2017 free, 02/03/2018 1 Distr. hair, otherwise free, 08/03/2019, 18/03/2020, 14/05/2021, 27/06/2022 and 17/07/2023 free)
Hips: HD A, Norberg 40
Pompe disease: Genotype N/N free
DNA Pra-prcd: Genotype N/N free
DM: free, tested by Laboklin
CMR: free, tested by Laboklin
DNA profile available (Laboklin & Raad van Beheer)
Height: 49 cm
Coefficient of inbreeding: 1.22%*
Collected and checked sperm. It is safetly stored and available for the right bitch abroad ❤️
Please contact me if there is any interest.
Born 01-10-2014 from Rowan & Lapinlumon Wilhelmiina (Vita)
Bosco – Jussi – Aiko – Jaana – Kaija – Luna
Born 01-10-2016 from Rowan & Namu (Vasaran Arvine Namu) at kennel Jalanjälki
Fynn – Fernando (Nando) – Floora – Fanny (Evy)
Born 15-06-2017 from Rowan & Aijra (Renflockens Aijra) at Renflockens kennel (Germany).
Djumanji – Dala – Darja
Born 10-12-2018 from Rowan & Smilla (Haiwi od Kremilka) at von Grünen Baum (Germany).
Ava (Muffin), Aki, Aatos, Aaro, Aslan (Arthur), Asko (Finn) and Aura (Molly).
On 21-05-2020 6 puppies were born at Kennel Lapin Jälkeläinen from the lovely Cantavia Lumikello “Seija”, 4 girls & 2 boys.
Males♂: Lapin Jälkeläinen Buorre-Börje (Blue – Myko) & Lapin Jälkeläinen Bacchus-Boreus (Green – Chum)
Girls♀: Lapin Jälkeläinen Biija-Bihkka (Red – Lumi), Lapin Jälkeläinen Bella-Biegga (Orange – Saga), Lapin Jälkeläinen Birthe-Birgitte (Yellow – Yara) & Lapin Jälkeläinen Biisi-Beassi (Purple – Finny). Very proud of these 6 lovely, open and friendly puppies!
On 20 February 2021 6 puppies were born at Kennel Jardin de Laponie (BE) with the lovely Prunelle du Jardin de Laponie. 5 boys & 1 girl are doing really well. Their names are Ulrik, Uncle Sam, Uskali, U’Sullivan, Uzumaki & Ummi du Jardin de Laponie.
On 27th of April 2022 two puppies were born in Switserland. The ‘Spring’ twins, a boy and a girl, are doing great. The mother of the twins is Lapin Lumia Airi Pukkapilvi. The twins are called Lapin Lumia Spring Sky (Usko) and Lapin Lumia Spring Storm (Stormi).
Born 12-10-2022 from Rowan & Noora (Ikuinenlahjan Orosmäki) at Samiclahja kennel (NL). Four boys: Oleg (Leevi), Sasha (Artur), Misha (Finny), Luka (Usko) and two girls: Raisa & Zenya.
On 8 June 2024 two puppies of Airi (Lapin Lumia Airi Pukkapilvi) & our Rowan were born in Switserland. Lapin Lumia ‘Stella’ Felis and Lapin Lumia ‘Stella’ Nova. We are Suzanne Wittek-Kubli so thankful, Nova will be living with us, our new little star!
Avalanche course 2023
Impression of our advanced avalanche training in Oberstdorf.
Avalanche course 2020
In January 2020 I participated with Rowan & Bosco in an advanced avalanche training in Oberstdorf.
Rowan to the rescue:
Compilation of the Avalanche 2020:
Avalanche course 2018
In January 2018 I participated with Rowan and Bosco in an avalanche training in Oberstdorf. This was a great experience and the boys both done very well!
Movie of Rowan who came to rescue me: Lawinewerk2018_dag4_1
Article Avalanche Workcourse 2018 in FLVN club magazine: Lawinewerk_2018_FLVN_clubblad
Search- and Rescue work
Artikel FLVN clubblad dec-2013
Artikel FLCNSW Newsletter april 2014
Article Avalanche Workcourse in DCNH club magazine edition 04/2018
Rowan @ work
Obedience – agility – sheep herding – search & rescue – avalanche work – balance & coordination
His offspring are also nice workers (pictures of Bosco, Floora, Jussi & Yara):
Show Results
26 september 2021 – FLVN Kampioensclubmatch (Specialty show)
Judge: Mevr. W. Roem (NL)
Veterans Class: 1 – Excellent – BOB Veteran
18 september 2016 – Keesachtigen- & Poolhondenshow
Judge: Mevr. J.J. Vink (NL)
Open Class: 2 – Excellent
4 september 2016 – Hondententoonstelling Rotterdam
Judge: Mevr. Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen (FI)
Open Class: 1 – Excellent – CACIB
3 september 2016 – Hondententoonstelling Rotterdam
Judge: Mevr. Tiny Hensema (NL)
Open Class: 1 – Very Good
18 december 2015 – Kerstshow Wijchen 2015
Judge: Dhr. E. Manders (NL)
Open Class: 1 – Excellent Res CAC & CACIB
7 november 2015 – Dogshow Bleiswijk
Judge: Dhr. R. Oliveira (PT)
Open Class: 1 – Excellent Res CAC & CACIB
3 oktober 2015 – IJsselshow Zwolle
Judge: Mrs. S. Walsh (IE)
Open Class: 1 – Excellent Best of Breed CAC & CACIB
5 september 2015 – FLVN Kampioensclubmatch
Judge: Mevr. E. Weijenborg-Weggemans (NL)
Open Class: 3 – Excellent
25 juli 2015 – Hondententoonstelling Rotterdam
Judge: Dhr. Paul Lawless (IE)
Open Class: 1 – Very Good
14 september 2014 – Keesachtigen en Poolhondenshow
Judge: Dhr. E. Manders (NL)
Open Class: 1 – Excellent BOS Best Male BOS CAC
21 december 2013 – Kerstshow Wijchen
Judge: mevr. A.M. Gielisse (NL)
Open Class: 1 – Very Good
2 november 2013 – Dogshow Bleiswijk
Judge: mw. Tuula Pratt (FI)
Tussen Class: 1 – Very Good
16 maart 2013 – FLVN Clubmatch
Judge: mw. Saara Sampakoski (FI)
Tussen Class: Good